Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Only Way to Watch

Technology has not only changed the world, it has changed sports. Not to be Johnny Come-Lately here and say, ‘Hey, there is this new thing called the internet! Check it out!’ or anything like that. I wanted to give a quick take on how I was awed by it last night.

The evening began with my wife having control of the clicker, which as we all know, that means that the Cavs game was not on the TV. As the evening progressed, I decided to grab the ole laptop and see how the Cavaliers were doing in their game against the Heat.

I logged into ESPN.com and popped up GameCast, which showed the back and forth scoring of the game, and even though I was not able to watch the game on TV, I was able to keep up with the action and almost felt like it was 1940 and I was listening to the radio and enjoying the game in the HD of my imagination.

If I stopped there, that would not be much of an interesting story. However, in addition to GameCast being up, I was also logged into Tweetdeck, which is an application that turns Twitter into an instant messenger system. So while I am getting the technical aspects of the game through GameCast, I am also getting pop-up messages from multiple Twitter sources such as Brian Windhurst ofAustin Carr the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Cleveland Cavaliers, and CavsWITNESS, all going nuts as the action of the game progressed. In my mind, I could hear Austin Carr talking about LeBron penetrating the Heat defense, “Throwing the HAMMER DOWN!”, and hitting a three from deep in whatever the hell the Heats arena is called.

LeBron James Cleveland Cavaliers Finally, the game ends and the Cavaliers are victorious as is their custom. Along comes one last tweet. I smiled and had to respond:

RizzGood2BAlive: What a game Lebron is the King!!

If you don’t recognize the name, that was Tony Rizzo of Fox 8 News and ESPN Cleveland, 850 AM WKNR.

This all brings my little blog here full circle. I have never been one to be star struck or read gossip magazines or anything like that, but I think it is really cool to get the thoughts of celebrities who are not complete idiots.

For example, I enjoy reading tweets from my local pro athletes such as Josh Cribbs, D’Qwell Jackson, Mo Williams, and Shaquille O’Neal.

Yes, it is typically impersonal stuff, but it is cool none the less.

In case you were wondering, you can follow me at CNewton_eov.

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